Friday, March 2, 2012

Woman on the verge of interactive TV

New York-and-Nantucketer Suzanne Kennedy Flynn -- TGIF readerswith pachydermic recall will remember her name from the masthead ofDivorce magazine, which was annulled before it ever hit thenewsstands -- plans to launch an interactive television channel forwomen, called the Women's Interactive Network. Flynn contributed aprogram on makeup to the Time Warner interactive television markettest in Orlando, Fla.,and now, with the backing of off-track bettingbroadcast mogul Marvin Sugarman, she has 25 separate applicationswaiting, as she explains, for a Ted Turner or a Rupert Murdoch to putthem into play.Roll over, Yanni

WGBH tells us that the vaguely improbable blockbuster reunion ofthe Three Tenors -- Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, and PlacidoDomingo -- at Dodger Stadium on the eve of the World Cup final willbe directed by Bill Cosel, longtime producer of Channel 2's "Eveningat Pops" series. The playlist for the concert, which will combineclassical arias with popular tunes, remains a tightly held secret,partly because one record publisher (Sony) has already come to marketwith a copycat CD. (Reason: the previous Three Tenors CD, recordedbefore the 1990 World Cup final in Rome, sold more than 1 millioncopies in the United States.)

However, TGIF is reliably informed that the soupy Irish barroomstaple "Danny Boy" will probably figure in the medley of prolo-tunes.Why pay $1,000 for a seat at Chavez Ravine? I'm sure we can findthree portly fellows at Doyle's willing to croon for half that, orless.Weekend at Bernie's

Boston publisher Bernard Goldhirsh is on the short list of partiesinterested in buying Financial World, an OK-but-hardly-over-the-topbusiness biweekly owned by reclusive financier Carl Lindner.

Goldhirsh, who has scored two notable publishing successes -- Inc.and Sail magazines -- had bad luck the last time he bought amainstream business publication. In 1986 he purchased Dun's BusinessMonth as a bunkmate for Inc., the bible of the small business world,but later had to fold it. Playboy and the Economist group are alsoeyeing FW. By strange coincidence, the Economist owns Boston's CFO(Chief Financial Officer) magazine, founded by Bernard's brother NeilGoldhirsh.

Another fellow said to be interested in buying out FW is itscurrent chairman, Mark Meagher, who told me that Goldhirsh was awaysailing in the Caribbean, and would neither confirm nor deny any ofthe facts herein recorded.Athletic Gore

A TGIF spy sailed into Al Gore's jogging flotilla Wednesdaymorning down by the Northeastern boathouse on the Charles. TheSecond Jogger, WGU '69, was surrounded by a clutch of Secret Servicetypes, chopper (motorcycles to you) cops and two State Policecruisers. I wonder what kind of protection Bill Weld coughed up forthe Other Danny Boy, the Quaylester, who was also in town plumpinghis dreadful book. Weld is dying for someone to report how much headmires Quayle's tome, so now you know.More of the same

Did someone mention the World's Greatest University? I detect,how shall I say it, echoes of a column I wrote on the Harvard Classof 1969 in an official WGU press release on the same subject issued afew days thereafter. The press release mentioned that Apple ComputerInc. founder Steve Wozniak would be joining his classmates at thisweek's reunion. Only problem is, the Woz wasn't in the class.That's a different Steve Wozniak, a mistake I corrected a week later.The press release couldn't be corrected, and local media have beenrehashing my original error. Mea culpa, sort of . . .And this . . . A local historian who knows both JFK biographer Nigel Hamilton andKennedy Library boss Charles Daly says Hamilton's complaints ofKennedy family opposition to his work are poppycock. "Nigel brokesome promises and burned a lot of his sources putting together thefirst volume," my man says. "Quite understandably, people are waryof talking to him." . . . Great quote from a local sports marketingexpert on why soccer will never score with American televisionviewers: "It's got the low scoring interest of hockey, without theviolence." Enough said.Alex Beam's Internet address is beam(AT SIGN SYMBOL)

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