Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC: Mixed response to government's abortion plans

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Mixed response to government's abortion plans

MELBOURNE, Aug 19 AAP - Anti-abortion protesters have made a last ditch bid to stop
the Victorian government decriminalising abortion.

About 15 protesters this morning protested outside the Victorian parliament against
the laws to be introduced in parliament today.

The protesters held up placards with babies on them and strung large banners across
parliament's steps saying: "ALP Killing Babies".

The bill is expected to give women freedom to have an abortion at up to 24 weeks gestation,
which was option B in the Victorian Law Reform Commission's report on abortion, given
to parliament in May.

Members from the Young Victorians for Life and Tell the Truth Coalition said today
was a sad day in Victoria's history.

"Today the rights of the unborn children have been forsaken by the Victorian government,
this is a very very sad event," spokesman Paul Waadural (Waadural) said.

He said it was "pre-birth" discrimination against babies with disabilities.

While the groups were protesting, Greens upper house member Colleen Hartland came to
the steps of parliament and said she wants to break down the "taboo" surrounding abortion.

Ms Hartland has spoken publicly of her own experiences with abortion.

"I don't want women any more to feel that this is some kind of terrible shame," she said.

"Interestingly, this morning all the emails that I have been getting are from women
in my age group who underwent similar sort of circumstances themselves and I think it's
really important to bring down that taboo."

Nationals Victorian leader Peter Ryan said as a matter of principle he opposes abortion.

"If it is that the bill reflects the second of the third options, as reflected in the
paper, then I will oppose it," Mr Ryan told reporters.

Dr Leslie Cannold from Pro-Choice Victoria said the group was hoping for option C,
which would give women and their partners the full right to choose throughout their pregnancy.

"We heard some rumours and were hoping for something better, but obviously this is
a historical opportunity and hopefully this government will act in the right and compassionate
way for women," Dr Cannold said.

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