Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED: Hair transplant company denies rorting safety net

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Hair transplant company denies rorting safety net

SYDNEY, April 12 AAP - A hair transplant company is being investigated for abusing
the Medicare safety net, with allegations it told patients the scheme would cover accommodation
and domestic flights.

The National Hair Institute is being investigated by Medicare Australia after a company
letter surfaced telling a female patient the safety net would cover an all-inclusive treatment

The package included domestic flights, luxury accommodation and limousine transfers
and was priced at more than $10,000, The Australian newspaper said.

The safety net refunds 80 per cent of expenses once patients have spent a particular amount.

However, the company has denied rorting the safety net, with medical director Rhett
Bosnich saying the cost of the package did not include flights or hotel stays.

"We are not adding the travel costs onto the costs of the procedure ... that would
be fraudulent and illegal," Dr Bosnich said.

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