A Lakeland park is becoming high-tech, adding wireless Internetand camera surveillance.
Installers are making final adjustments at City Hall Park to makeWi-Fi Internet available to park goers. Six security cameras underthe same system are already operating.
While wireless Internet service may not sound like a typical parkattraction, Lakeland City Manager Robert Wherry said he believes alot of residents will take advantage of the service.
"They can come to the park on a nice day and do their work,"Wherry said.
Park goers can log on at the picnic area, the soccer fields andfrom inside city hall. Users won't need a password, the networkwon't be secure.
The total project cost $70,000 and came out of the city's generalfunds. Members of the Lakeland Economic Development Commissioninitiated the idea for the Internet service two years ago.
The city manager said adding the surveillance cameras made senseafter several vandalism incidents occurred in the city's parks. Theworse of these occurred at Zadie E. Kuehl Park when vandalsdestroyed the park's benches and lights.
The success of the City Hall Park surveillance will determine ifthe city places cameras in other city parks.
No one has complained that the cameras violate the privacy ofpark goers, Wherry said.
Lakeland resident Renea Linton, who took her 5-year-old daughter,Olivia, to City Hall Park Friday said she sees the benefit of thecameras.
"I feel the cameras will deter inappropriate behavior," themother said.
- David Healy: 529-5880
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